EFC Christmas Card Contest for Children

november 10 2022

With Christmas just around the corner, Estonian Foundation of Canada invites young people up to 18 years of age to use your imaginations!

Create a simple Christmas Card showing what an Estonian Christmas means to you or what you would like it to be (traditions, activities, foods etc.) Use any medium of your choice (drawing, painting, digital art etc.) on a paper size 5” x 7” to max 11” x 14”.


All entries to be received at the EFC office no later than Monday, November 28, 2022.

Please enter in the following categories:

1. up to 7 years old

2. from 8 to 13 years old

3. from 14 to 18 years old 


Prize: Winners will be awarded cash prizes:

1. $150 for the overall winner *

2. Cash prizes for winners in each age category. 

3. Smaller prizes for honourable mentions as determined by the judges, based on the number of entries.

* If the overall winner’s work is submitted by a teacher / instructor on behalf of the child, the teacher will also be provided with $100 to be used toward lessons or art supplies for their class. 


For detailed rules and further information click HERE.



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